
My new game, Mobile Legends Bang Bang(part 1)

           Today I got a new game. It was Mobile Legends Bang Bang. I first started as a novice, as I saw my brother so, stared to feel jealous.  Soon I improved and became less jealous. So far I like Nana the best as she is very cute. My father and I's usernames are Scintillate, nila, shan shan shan as me and father may switch devices.My brother's username is mysticoder. I usually play with my father, brother, and my friends. In case you were wondering this is Scintillate's profile picture. This is nila's This is  shan shan shan's(name in Chinese) And this is mysticoder's                                                                                                                                               UPDATES COMING INCOMPLETE

My father's strategy(part 4)

  During lunch, my father said he had  strategy for my bad driving. I used to play Jonson, that can transform into a car and carry 1 passenger, needed good driving or you may crash into the wall or the destroyed turret. My father said while driving we could switch devices. I am usually the 1 passenger. As you know, my favourite hero was Nana. Would my favourite hero change as I explore? You will know soon.    (read for a sneak peek)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                

Mobile Legends the competition(part 2)

      Mobile legends has a competition soon, my brother, his friends and I are competing in it as well. would you like to join? Do you think " Winner " is a good name for the team? It will be funny if we win as they might announce "  The winner is .....Winner! " Does it? Right could you wish  my team and I good luck for the competition, please? -------------------------------P L E A S E    C O N T I N U E    R E A D I N G-------------------------------------- Game information                                                                                                                                             1. you can make friends by searching for the friends usernames.                                                                     2. you can play with your  friends.                                                                                                                             in battle tips                                                    

Osperant! My beetle

  Hi, meet my friend Osperant, the beetle. Its abdomen, is very smooth but, its mouth looks very sharp. Although  its mouth is sharp my sister and I still tried to carry it in our hands when it drops in a  hole. Everybody can you help Osperant choose it's new home?here are the choices.  see see you next time!🤗😙💫

map 1

Hi, welcome back.As I promised you, because we believe you will not have any problems with the first few levels, we will start at Black Bear Cave where the heroes will face the fears Black Bear and end at the end of the map. Before there will be some exciting features!😆(video by my elder brother)Enjoy!🤗 map 1 video

The Miracle

Yesterday, me and my siblings forgot to play our game, Secret Kingdom Defenders Heroes vs monsters 开心西游 妖怪必须死 . As the game resets at 8am, we rushed to finish PVP, Endless and Ally with my hearts racing. I was relieved that we finished before 8.00 and did the a Ally quickly at God's of Creation, the last boss of the game. My elder brother exclaimed it was Eternal One 镇元子.   Next, I heard a shout of fury and banging of tables. I asked what happened? And got the same old answer: the undeserving Awakened One's boost killed everyone. I was sick and tired of hearing this for days on end. I wished that we could just clear the level and leave that behind us forever. To my surprise when my brother try again he shouted again but this time it was"Yes we cleared the level"! Loud cheers erupted and echoed around the place. We cleared every level in the normal mode. From now on we will give tutorials to you. Watch  out for it ☺️  ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️   ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️En

Best Gift Ever

On Children's day my parents decided to bring my siblings and I to Snow City❄️. I first felt cold but as I got used to the temperature, I felt warm inside the thick snow jacket and cozy snow boots that were provided by Snow City❄️ before we entered the sub-zero degree snow chamber, my parents asked my sister and I whether we would like to slide down a minuature slide. However, my sister did not dare. So I tried it out. The slide was too small to be enjoyable.       As we trudged to the next section of the freezing cold snow city ❄️. We then called it snow ball place, as we played happily throwing snow balls at each other and making snow angels.  We felt bored and went to the final section of Snow City❄️. It was a scary 60 m slide. I shoke in fear and I didn't dare to continue, however my father didn't let me down. It was soon our turn to slide down the terrifying  slide. I slid down the long slide at breakneck speed with my father and my sister. When we reach the bottom of