Best Gift Ever

On Children's day my parents decided to bring my siblings and I to Snow City❄️. I first felt cold but as I got used to the temperature, I felt warm inside the thick snow jacket and cozy snow boots that were provided by Snow City❄️ before we entered the sub-zero degree snow chamber, my parents asked my sister and I whether we would like to slide down a minuature slide. However, my sister did not dare. So I tried it out. The slide was too small to be enjoyable.      

As we trudged to the next section of the freezing cold snow city ❄️. We then called it snow ball place, as we played happily throwing snow balls at each other and making snow angels. 

We felt bored and went to the final section of Snow City❄️. It was a scary 60 m slide. I shoke in fear and I didn't dare to continue, however my father didn't let me down. It was soon our turn to slide down the terrifying 
slide. I slid down the long slide at breakneck speed with my father and my sister. When we reach the bottom of the slide it slowly slowed down I was proud of myself that I went down the slide instade of going down the stairs to that point my sister asked to go back to the Snow Ball Place. 
 ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️The End❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️

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