The Miracle

Yesterday, me and my siblings forgot to play our game, Secret Kingdom Defenders Heroes vs monsters 开心西游 妖怪必须死 . As the game resets at 8am, we rushed to finish PVP, Endless and Ally with my hearts racing. I was relieved that we finished before 8.00 and did the a Ally quickly at God's of Creation, the last boss of the game. My elder brother exclaimed it was Eternal One 镇元子.   Next, I heard a shout of fury and banging of tables. I asked what happened? And got the same old answer: the undeserving Awakened One's boost killed everyone. I was sick and tired of hearing this for days on end. I wished that we could just clear the level and leave that behind us forever. To my surprise when my brother try again he shouted again but this time it was"Yes we cleared the level"! Loud cheers erupted and echoed around the place. We cleared every level in the normal mode. From now on we will give tutorials to you. Watch 
out for it ☺️ 
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